Álvaro Amieiro Fonseca


Alvaro is a scientist at Johnson Matthey (United Kingdom). Álvaro graduated in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Spain, and has a PhD in Catalysis from Manchester University, when he was sponsored by British Petroleum.

He has over 20 years’ experience in industrial catalysis and researching advanced materials, delivering low-carbon technologies and sustainable innovation for Johnson Matthey. The research areas of Álvaro and his team include hydrogen production and storage technologies for applications regarding fuel cells, natural gas purification, carbon capture and the quality control of air inside vehicles. The technology fields applied to his work include advanced catalysers and adsorbents, synthesis gas technology, metallic hydrides and complexes, and functionalization with covalent bond of the material surface. Álvaro set up and maintained a research partner network in industrial and academic circles in the US and Europe; while at the same time ensuring over €3 million invested as research grants, where he coordinated and led those projects. Álvaro has been involved in evolving and demonstrating sustainable technology in TRL 5-7, working with large companies such as Jaguar-Land Rover, Total and Acelor Mittal.

Presentation tittle:

  • Una visión industrial: 25 años preparándonos para la descarbonización de procesos.

Álvaro Amieiro Fonseca

Agustín Bueno López


Agustín Bueno López has been a Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Alicante University (Spain) since 2016. He was a guest professor and researcher at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands; 2 years), Aberdeen University (Scotland; 6 months), and Cambridge University (1 year).

Agustín is the author of 180 scientific articles, the inventor of 6 patents, and co-founded the GreenviTech technology company. His research has mainly focused on studying heterogeneous catalysis, science and technology of materials, gas purification and clean energy technologies.

Presentation tittle:

  • Utilización de impresión 3D en aplicaciones catalíticas.

Agustín Bueno López

Aída Gutiérrez Alejandre


Aida Gutiérrez Alejandre graduated as a Chemical Engineer from Veracruzana University. She has a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering-Processes and a PhD in Chemical Sciences, both from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), an institution where she is a tenured Full Career Professor; she is currently the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department there. She has completed multiple research stages abroad; published 83 articles in international indexed journals and two book chapters; has two patents granted (one national and another international); and has supervised 56 post- and undergraduate theses. Aida has played a very active role at the Mexico Catalysis Academy; she was the president from 2020 to 2021 and was in charge of organising XXVII CICAT 2020. She has been recognised with the Medal for Academic Merit by the UNAM, and Level II of the National Researchers System of Mexico’s National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies.

Aida’s research interests focus on developing catalytic materials to produce liquid fuels from biomass and the design of metal-organic structures as greenhouse gas and H2S absorbers. Her scientific contributions have been published in numerous articles in specialist journals, and she has worked with other researchers on international and national projects addressing current environmental and energy problems.

Presentation tittle:

  • Catalizadores y procesos para la producción de diésel verde.

Aída Gutiérrez Alejandre

Romel Mario Jiménez Concepción


Chemical Engineer with undergraduate training at the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology in Moscow (Russia), and the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba (1994). Romel completed his Master’s Degree in Process Analysis at the Central University of Las Villas (1997); he subsequently obtained his PhD in Engineering Sciences with a mention in Chemical Engineering from the University of Concepción, Chile (2005). His post-doctoral studies (2010-2011) were at the University of California – Berkeley, in the LSAC (Laboratory for the Science and Applications of Catalysis) group with Professor Enrique Iglesia.

Since 2007, Romel has been an academic at the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Concepción, and a researcher of the CarboCat Group. His research has focused on heterogeneous catalysis, the kinetics of chemical reactions, and the structural and functional characterisation of materials. Romel has published 60 articles (WoS); has been awarded over 30 research projects with international and/or national funding; has given 80 presentations at scientific events, including invitations to speak at catalyst congresses in Latin Americas; has provided technical assistance to companies through the analysis laboratory linked to CarboCat.

Presentation tittle:

  • Hidrogenación de COx sobre Ni y Co: mecanismo de reacción, requerimientos estructurales y efecto del soporte.

Romel Mario Jiménez Concepción

Aída Luz Villa Holguín


Chemical Engineer (1992) from the National University of Colombia at Medellín, Master’s Degree in Chemical Sciences (1997) from Antioquia University, and a PhD in Biological Sciences from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2000).

Aida is currently a full professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering at Antioquia University (Colombia). She is a Senior Researcher, as per the most recent Minciencias (Colombia’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) classification. Aida is the co-author of over 110 international publications and 12 book chapters; she has been the lead researcher in 17 projects and co-researchers in 12. Her research areas are related to essential oil conversion, kinetics, CO2 capture, life cycle assessment, and recovery and use of agri-industrial and mining waste.

Presentation tittle:

  • Conversión de biomasa y valorización de residuos mediante catálisis para mejorar el ambiente 

Aída Luz Villa Holguín

João Monnerat Araújo Ribeiro de Almeida


Professor João Monnerat obtained his PhD in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering in 2017 from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in collaboration with the University of Liverpool (UK). Since 2020, he holds the position of Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Chemistry at UFRJ, acting as coordinator of the Catalysis and process intensification, LIPCAT research group. Currently, he also holds the position of Special Advisor for Innovation at PR2, helping UFRJ to connect and relate better with industry and society.

In addition to his academic activities, he has also held various positions in the industry, such as Principal Consultant for agribusiness and biofuels at Radix, New Business Developer at Sinochem. He continues to work in the industry, acting as consultant in several projects, mainly in the evaluation of new technologies for renewable fuels and chemicals helping companies such as: Braskem, Alvarez Marsal, Radix, among others.

Presentation tittle:

  • Conversão de biomassa e residuos no contexto de uma refinaria verde e electrificada.

João Monnerat Araújo Ribeiro de Almeida

Salvador Ordóñez García


Salvador Ordóñez (1972) has been a Full Professor at the Environmental Technology and Chemical Engineering Department at Oviedo University since 2012. He received the Young Researcher Award from FISOCAT in 2010 in recognition of his research career.

Salvador’s research work has been carried out at Oviedo University and during time spent at other universities such as the Delft University of Technology and the University of Berkeley. His interests are focused on the application of heterogeneous catalysis and chemical reactor technology to the development of processes based on renewable or sustainable raw materials (obtaining chemical products using waste and biomass pyrolysis and hydrolysis streams, membrane reactors for hydrogen production, catalytic valorisation of synthesis gas from waste gasification, harnessing the methane contained in mine ventilation gases), along with solving different environmental problems As a result of removing contaminants from the air and water.

Salvador has recently been actively involved in developping hydrogen chemical storage processes. He is the author or coauthor of more than 230 scientific articles published in indexed international journals and the majority in leading magazines in the field. Salvador has taken part in 37 research projects financed by European, national and regional authorities. Since 2011, he has been the Coordinator of the Catalysis, Reactor and Control (CRC) Research Group at Oviedo University. During his career, he has been particularly interested in research applied to the industrial environment. His research has led to five patents being obtained. Salvador currently coordinates the Company Learning Centre on sustainable chemical processes, sponsored by the company Química del Nalón.

Presentation tittle:

  • Procesos catalíticos para la utilización de los aceites de pirólisis como fuente de carbono sostenible: un nuevo paradigma de la circularidad

Salvador Ordóñez García

Mirtha Lourenço



Mirtha Lourenço Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Aveiro (2016), where she is a European Research Area Postdoctoral Fellow funded under the application to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship 2021 call. Her research is focused on developing sustainable porous silicas and porous carbons for optimal CO2 uptake from biogas and CO2 conversion.

Her work has recognized her numerous national and international awards. In 2018, her Ph.D. thesis was recognized as one of the top three in the Best Doctoral Thesis Award in Catalysis – Ramôa Ribeiro and she was invited to represent Portugal in the EFCATS Young Scientist Contest, where her team won the best project award. In 2022, she received the CICECO Young Researcher Award. Recently, in April 2024, the SPECKO research group, of which she is a member, won the UA Researcher Award. In May 2024, she was honored with the Ramôa Ribeiro Young Researcher Award, followed by the Junior FISOCAT 2024 award in July.

Despite her early career stage, she has co-authored 39 ISI papers, with 17 as the first author and 10 as the corresponding author, published in high-impact journals like Carbon and the Chemical Engineering Journal, along with two book chapters (h-index of 16 and over 675 citations from Scopus). She has also presented her research results in over 60 oral and poster communications at national and international conferences. Also, she has secured funding as the principal investigator for several projects, including the GRACE project (ERA-PF grant), the SWAN project (Junior Researcher Grant from FCT to valorize biomass waste for biogas upgrading), 2 computational FCT-funded projects. Additionally, she is part of the internal MSCA-PF evaluation panel of the university of Aveiro to help enhance applications from potential MSCA-PF candidates at UA and she is the Junior WG4 Leader of the NETPORE COST ACTION.

Presentation tittle:

  • Keynote Title: Exploring the Impact of Carbonaceous Materials on Metal-Derived Composites in Electro- and Photo- Catalysis.

Mirtha Lourenço